Member-only story
The Social Value Of Karen
Do you know a Karen?
Do you know a Karen?
Let’s face it.
As a society we need Karen.
Who else is going to take it upon themselves to enforce all the rules that no one else complains about?
And do it for free?
We need a super hero like Karen to make us see the importance of all those rules, that are not really laws. But, Karen thinks they should be.
Who is going to make sure that we don’t eat any grapes while shopping?
Who will say “Nobody wants to work anymore” when your food is late at the restaurant?
Who in the world will complain about women breastfeeding in public?
Karen. That’s who.
Who will yell at kids running in the store?
Who will tell you how to be a mother?
Who will tell you how to be a real man?
Karen. Because she knows all about manhood.
She had 10 kids without an epidural.
Karen. She will make sure No one gets away with anything. Her phone and finger are ready to tattle.
Who would let you know that your pet is not as well behaved as her AKC registered Asian Cowhound.?