The Horseless Carriage

It’ll Never Work

Chris Bunton
4 min read5 days ago

I love the environment. It is God’s Creation.

I’m a Christian and I believe that God told humans to take care of His creation. It’s one of the first things He told us to do.

Humans have failed. We have let greed and the love of money, along with fear and a desire for control, destroy the world. We have let global conquest destroy the creation.

I see posts on Facebook, where people argue that attempts to be more “Green” will never work. It costs too much. It creates pollution. It doesn’t put out enough energy.

These people never worried about such things when billionaires were destroying the planet. But, now all of a sudden when we try to save it, they are worried about government control and subsidies. They are worried about mandates. They are concerned about pollution.

It’s funny because they will attack electric cars, and talk about how they need a generator or electric power source ran by fossil fuels in order to operate. That the electric fuel stations still use fossil fuels.

Or if an electric care breaks down they bring out a gas generator to power it up so it can run. They call this hypocrisy.

This sort of rhetoric reminds me of stories about all the old men in the early 1900’s who made fun of…

