Thank you for these well thought out questions, and for giving me ideas for future articles.
Let me try to help you to understand.
1. As stated in the article, we already ticket citizens from traffic light cameras and toll booth cameras.
How do we determine who is actually driving from these sources? We don't.
It would be the car owners problem. And the courts problem. Not the police, on the side of the road.
2. The police could pull over a person and then let them go with a ticket. Then, the driver kills a kid in a crosswalk 2 miles down the road, because he's upset for getting pulled over.... Pulling people over does not always prevent accidents.
Obviously, certain situations would require a pull over. As implied in the article. " I am not talking about major crimes, or dangerous situations here. I’m speaking of your normal everyday occurrence."
3. Traffic cam and toll booth tickets hold up in court. So, would these. It would be no different than a current traffic stop. Except the officer did not speak to the driver. The same evidence would be present as in any traffic stop. Radar guns and cameras are used in court everyday.
Yes, I'm moving the location from the side of the road, to the courtroom, where arguments belong. No guns. No tazers. no traffic. Judge and Lawyer present. Safe and Constitutionally protected for everyone.
Again, thank you for the chance to answer these questions, and for helping in the effort to change the world for the better. New things are scary. But, they can be good.