Member-only story
Telephone and Address Required
Conspiracy Theories by Chris Bunton

This is going to sound crazy, but I want to be truthful and straight about it. I really hate when government or business organizations require that I provide a street address and/or a phone number. This has been a recurring theme in my life for years and I’m honestly tired of it.
I don’t want these people calling me or visiting me. Period. The fact that they demand or require that I provide this information before receiving the services attached to it, is basically treating me as though I am guilty of some crime before I do anything. They are assuming they will need to come get me. We seriously need to stop punishing or restricting innocent people for crimes that a few people commit. Punish the guilty not the innocent.
Why else would a government agency, such as the DMV require my street address? I provide a P.O. Box, so they can mail me things if needed. But, that’s not good enough. I must give an actual address. I assume it’s so that they can come get me for some future crime, which I might possibly commit. Neither the government nor a private company has any reason to know where I physically dwell. There are no debtors prisons, where they will come get me and take me to if I don’t pay my bank fees. But, they demand it. I provide them with the info needed to collect any debt. They do not need more.