Logical Fallacies

You Need To Be Aware Of Deception

Chris Bunton
6 min readJun 25, 2024

Knowing logical fallacies are a powerful tool to avoid deception.

Whether intentional or not there are things that we see and hear which can guide us into certain belief systems.

It can be considered propaganda or brainwashing. The information we receive is often twisted to cause us to get in line with an ideology.

Understanding logical fallacies can help protect us from that.

There are tons of them. Here’s a list with explanations.

But, let me give you some examples so you can see the power and value. You can see how prevalent they are in our culture.

Appeal to Ridicule.

It is a fact that a large number of people get their political, social and spiritual knowledge from comedians.

A comedian will make a joke about God, a political figure, or an ideology.

This makes the idea or person seem ridiculous, and therefore should not be believed.

Just because you can make fun of a person or ridicule their ideas, does not mean the person or idea is wrong.

That’s the fallacy.

You can watch Saturday Night Live or other shows and see this fallacy all the time.

