Healing From Addiction

You Will Overcome

Chris Bunton
4 min readJun 18, 2024

What does it look like to be healed from addiction?

I tell people that I have been healed from alcoholism.

God healed me.

When I say this I typically get the same response. “Once an addict always an addict”

And this is true. But let me explain.

We say this because it’s a safety feature. The idea is that if we ever use again we will automatically be addicted again and right back where we started. And this is 100% true.

But this has nothing to do with being healed from Addiction. As a matter of fact. Realizing this truth is part of being healed.

Let’s look at this differently. Let’s say we are in the kitchen talking, and I accidentally put my hand on the hot burner and get a severe burn.

I am burned. I need to heal. It takes time. I have to be careful. I have trouble with things in my everyday life. I can’t use my hand.

But eventually it heals, And life returns to normal. I am healed.

BUT…if I stick my hand on a burner again when it’s hot. I will get burned. It’s a no brainer. Do we say “once a burn victim always a burn victim?”

