God’s Goodness

He Does Not Leave Us Alone In Darkness

Chris Bunton
5 min read4 days ago

There are times in my walk with God, when I am just beat down.

Times when I feel like nobody hears what I’m saying. Times when nothing seems to work and everything is against me.

It’s during these times, that I just want to quit. Quit everything.

But, then God comes.

He shows up and speaks.

It might be a word of encouragement. A person who pops up out of the blue and says, “What you said, helped me.”

It might be a verse of scripture that comes to life in me.

It could be a blessing, or an answered prayer, like cool drink on a hot day.

Things that let me know I’m not wasting my time. That I’m where God wants me to be, and is using me.

And that’s God.

Paul said, …”that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?” (Romans 2:4)

And it is.

If God was a hateful, judging monster, nobody would turn to Him.

But, He is not.

He works with us in this corrupted world, and in our weakness and failures, to provide light and love, at the exact moment to help us go forward a little more.

