God has protected me many many times. I have also suffered and been broken.
In Christianity we often want to divide things into two camps. Or sometimes 3 camps. The 'he protects us" camp, the "He doesn't protect us camp" and the 'We don't know but maybe sometimes" camp.
I think it's all three and it's ok.
But, the temptation that comes is to turn away from God. That's the lesson of Job.
As believer's, God is our only hope and the answer is to always turn to Him no matter what. We are tempted to turn away into the world or into bitterness and resentment.
That's the answer. When we have a relationship with Him we know that He is more valuable than anything.
Like Jesus said, "He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me." Matt. 10:37
It's radical, it's hard and its a personal relationship. Its not something to tell a grieving parent.
Our focus is eternal. God Himself will explain it to those who listen to Him.
it doesn't always take away the pain or confusion. But when we draw closer to Him, we can hear His comfort.
And that reassures us.