God created everything Good. It's defined by how the Bible defines good. Love, joy, peace, etc.
When we fell we became corrupted. Nothing today, looks like it did at creation. You cannot say God did wrong, based upon what you see today, because it has changed. The information you have is flawed. Not God.
If you read the text, God did not punish Adam or Eve.
Death and the corrupted nature is not part of the curse. The curse is specific.
The curse is designed to save people.
The corrupted nature Is a spiritual problem that impacts everything about humans even our DNA.
Your idea that God is all powerful, is also a human concept. You say He cannot be contained, but then contain Him to your ideas of morality.
God has let His most faithful servants suffer terrible deaths. He delights in the death of his saints. You see suffering and death as bad. But, maybe God sees it as a gateway to eternal bliss? 2 seconds after death, all suffering might be forgotten. for those who know Him.
Why do you feel that God doesn't obey rules he set for Himself, and at the same time can break those rules, as he sees fit?
God is not required to perform for us.