Member-only story
Churchianity vs. Christianity
There is a difference
Churchianity- Invites people to church.
Christianity- Invites people to know Christ.
Churchianity– Demands people attend services.
Christianity– Encourages people to spend time with God.
Churchianity– Gathers children for Christmas programs.
Christianity– Gathers children to go feed the homeless, visit the sick, and write letters to prisoners.
Churchianity– Destroys itself over choices of music, and colors of carpet.
Christianity– Destroys itself so others may succeed and live.
Churchianity– Sits on a mountain of cash, and only gives to those they deem worthy.
Christianity– Sits on a mountain of faith and gives to any who ask, as the Lord commanded.
Churchianity– Builds mansions to worship God in, while having members living in poverty.
Christianity– Builds simple places to gather, while helping those in need.
Churchianity– Follows the world’s business practices, worshiping Mammon.
Christianity– Follows Christ’s business practices, worshiping Him only.